CITC2024 Registration Instructions

Registrations of CITC2024 are accepted only via the webpage:

Registration Fee for the CITC2024
Early Bird (before July 9  2024): Student 2500RMB/person, Standard 3400RMB/person
After July 9   2024:                      Student 3400RMB/person, Standard 4200RMB/person

Due to the expected large number of conference attendees it would be helpful if the conference fee is payed in June or July.

4 Payment Options
The conference fee can be paid in 4 ways: 

1. Online payment 
Follow the registration process on the website and directly pay online by WeChat pay.

2. Bank transfer 
The bank account information is shown below and also after successful registration for the conference. When the bank transfer is completed, please send the receipt to If you would like to register at the early bird rate, please complete the bank transfer before July 9, 2024.

Bank name: Business Department of Liaoning Branch of Bank of Communications
Account name: Shenyang Blower Research Institute (Ltd)
帐号 (Account number): 211111203018150071032 or 211111203018150070936
纳税账号 (Tax Account:): 91210106240778014F
Address: No. 16 A Development Road, Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone
联系电话 (Tel. number): 024-25800453

3. On-site payment 
Participants can pay the regular conference fee at the registration desk, when registering for the conference.

4.International payment by Paypal 
In case you don't have a Chinese bank card, you can also pay the conference fee by Paypal. 
Please use the paypal account ID: After the paypal payment is completed, please send the payment receipt by email to

The invoice for the conference registration fee will be issued in August 2024, electronic invoices will be sent to the email address provided during registration. In case of questions, please contact the conference secretary Lili Ma Tel.: 86-13998319087.

The proof of successful payment and register on site
Successful registration fee payers will receive an automatic system email with QR code confirming successful payment. Please save the QR code so that the conference staff can scan the code to complete the on-site registration. The QR code can also be found in "My Account" at the top right corner of this website.

How to continue the 'Unpaid Register'?
If you exit the conference webpage before pay success, you can log in the website,click 'My account' to continue it.

Hotel booking
Please note that due to the popularity of the conference venue, each participant must pay for the hotel themselves at the same time when registering for the conference. The payment of the accommodation fee is considered as a valid hotel booking, note that the hotel booking is non-refundable.

The hotel booking must be paid by July 9 2024 to receive the discounted price below for the hotel rooms. The room rates until July 9 2024 are as follows:

Maotai Jingpin Hotel: 450RMB/per night (includes 2 breakfasts)
Maotai Dianpin Hotel: 450RMB/per night (includes 2 breakfasts)
Maotai Zhenpin Hotel: 600RMB/per night (includes 2 breakfasts)

Note: After July 9 2024, the room rates will increase, the updated price will be shown later.

Hotel bank information:
Bank name 开户行名称:中信银行股份有限公司三亚分行
Account name 户名:贵州茅台酒厂(集团)三亚投资实业有限公司海棠湾茅台度假村分公司
Account number 银行账号:8115801011800080941
Tax Account 纳税人识别号:91460000MA7NJMNG12
Payment lines 银行联行号:302642054314
Address 地址:海南省三亚市海棠区海棠南路6号
Contact number 电话:0898-37369999

Or pay the accommodation fee through the  QR code of hotel bank. 

Please add "CITC <name> <hotel name> <check in/out date>" in the transfer note and send the bank transfer confirmation by email to Contact person: Nan Li, Tel.: 15998276938. A failure to submit the transfer confirmation will result in the conference organizer failing to communicate with the hotel for the room reservation, which may impact the on-site check-in at your own risk.

Download the Announcement of CITC2024:click here to download